A NN is a NN -Origin of Surnames and Different DNA

A N*sb*t is a N*sb*t

(see attachment under)
Many of the DNA tested that have not matched others have expressed that they are not a N*sb*t

I strongly disagree and have made the attached document (see below) to try and show why there are different DNA's

There is only a very small portion of NN's tested which also results in no matches for some and there are no doubt other groups of NN's that are not represented

Of all the different branches of NN's
only 2 of them do we know the DNA for
Group 1 NN of that Ilk
Group 3 Greenholm from Braidly and Haig
all the other branches are unknown
The fact that group 2 is so large I believe is due to the fact that so many from PA have done the test
Different DNA Branches feudal system.pdf
Why we have so many NN DNA groups
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